The three important factors for good gardening

Are you having a problem with your plants and/or flowers growing?

Make sure you have these three factors in check and you will be ahead:
  • Soil
  • Sun
  • Water
You need a rich soil that is well composted, balanced, and aerated. 
You need decent sunlight for your plants and flowers when called for.
And you need sufficient water.

If your soil is rich and you know you are getting enough sun, then you need to water more...unless you're watering way too much, then you need to water less.  Usually, your plants and flowers need more water.
We just had that experience, that's why I'm writing this post. 

We knew we had a small problem with our soil.  We took care of that this year.  And we know our plants and vegetables are receiving enough sun.  So, why were our plants, flowers, and vegetables suffering? 

On a visit to our friends James and Melba, we noticed how well their vegetables were doing.  We got the answer to our dilemma in a conversation with them.  James said: soil, sun, and water.  If you have good soil, enough sun, but poor result, then water more.  We did that and it was magic.  Happy plants, vegetables, and flowers.  Everything resumed grow with nature's smile.  So, we thought we should share.


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Very nice blog and a lot of good information!